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Dried flowers are a charming way to preserve the beauty of FloresnaWeb floral arrangements and create decorative pieces that will last over time. This article is perfect for you to share with the recipient of the bouquet, teaching them how to transform it into beautiful decorative frames and eternalize an act of love and affection.

Necessary Materials:
  • FloresnaWeb floral arrangements
  • Heavy books or flower press
  • Parchment paper or absorbent paper
  • Glass or glass frames
  • Scissors
  • Adhesive tape or white glue
Step by Step for Drying Flowers:
Flower Selection:

Choose fresh and healthy flowers from a FloresnaWeb arrangements. Make sure they are completely dry (no dew or water on the petals).

Curitiba Flower Bouquet: Charm of Life and Energy | Floresnaweb

Flower Preparation:

Cut the stems of the flowers, leaving only the desired part for the arrangement. Remove unwanted leaves.

Pressing the Flowers:
Book Method:

Place the flowers between two sheets of parchment paper or absorbent paper to avoid staining the book pages. Place the prepared flowers inside a thick book and close it. Add more heavy books on top to create pressure.

Flower Press Method:

If you have a flower press, place the flowers between the boards and tighten the screws well.

Flower Bouquet Salvador: Lively Flower Infusion | Floresnaweb

Drying Time:

Let the flowers dry for about 2 to 4 weeks. The time may vary depending on the thickness of the petals and the climate. Check occasionally to ensure they are drying evenly.

Assembling the Dried Flower Frames:
Frame Selection:

Choose double glass frames so that the flowers can be seen from both sides. Make sure the frame has adequate depth to accommodate the flowers.

Flower Placement:

Carefully remove the dried flowers from the book or press. Arrange the flowers in a desired pattern between the glasses. Use transparent adhesive tape or low-adhesion glue to fix the flowers in place if necessary.

Porto Alegre Bouquet: Sympathy with Elegance | Floresnaweb

Closing the Frame:

Place the top glass over the flowers and close the frame carefully. Make sure the flowers are well positioned and do not move.


Clean the glass to remove any fingerprints or dust. Hang the frame in a prominent place to appreciate its beauty.

Additional Tips:
  • Diversify: Use different types of flowers and leaves to create varied textures and colours.
  • Experiment: Try different patterns and arrangements before fixing the flowers in the frame.
  • Conservation: Keep dried flower frames away from direct sunlight to prevent fading.

Campinas Flower Bouquet: Pink Roses & Lilies | Floresnaweb


Transforming your FloresnaWeb arrangements into frames not only preserves the beauty of the flowers but also creates unique and lasting decorative pieces. Share this idea with the bouquet recipient and discover the joy of creating art with nature.